Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My LA kids

OK, looks like I'm going to be back in Hollywood this month and I get to see this guy - Theo. This is a shot of Theo drowning in his massive collection of stuffed animals (seriously, Theo is the Emelda Marcos of stuffed animals!) We shot this because he had decided to give most of them away to other kids who might appreciate a stuffed animal, which I thought was very cool of him, so this is his "memory" shot.

Here's a couple long time little friends of mine (well, long time when you consider I've known them their entire lives), Austin and Abigail. The top shot is Austin taking on the entire Pacific Ocean, which if you know Austin, is a very accurate photo. Austin does nothing by halves - be it swinging a baseball bat or eating his birthday cake - he puts his entire heart and body into the project.

Miss Abigail is an out and out riot. How a child can actually have and portray a sense of humor at the ripe age of 6 months old is beyond me, but she managed it. I'm really looking forward to seeing this little lady, I'm sure she's grown so much!

OK, this is Christina at 8 months old. Another one I'm really interested in seeing a year later. This little girl is an out and out trip. She is the most peaceful baby ever. And the look on her face when she sees her parents making googly faces at her was absolutely too much. She would get this fond little smile as if to say, "Oh, look at the parental units being so silly, aren't they just the cutest things?" Loved the kid.

They are all on the website, by the way, with their own little slideshows. www.thedawsonstudios.com and go to people!


j.a. said...

Hi Sharon,

Congratulations on your new blog. The first photo is precious!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, Sharon! The photos are fabulous, of course. Congrats on the new blog!